Tap Tap Boom – NetWORKING


NetWORKING – Modern and efficient way to network, offering convenience, versatility and the potential for more meaningful connections. Make the most out of networking opportunities and leave a positive and lasting impression on your contacts.

Add your custom URL and we’ll program your new Tap Tap Boom! card for you. Alternatively order your cards and set the up when you receive them!

If ordering multiple Tap Tap Boom! cards with different URLs, add one card with one URL to your basket at a time.

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Tap Tap Boom! - Smarter Business Networking

NetWORKING - Modern and efficient way to network, offering convenience, versatility and the potential for more meaningful connections. Make the most out of networking opportunities and leave a positive and lasting impression on your contacts.

    1. Effortless Information Exchange: Your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card allows you to share your contact information seamlessly with a simple tap. This eliminates the need for manual data entry or the exchange of physical business cards, making the process faster and more convenient.
    2. Digital and Multimedia Content Sharing: Beyond basic contact information, your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card can link to websites, portfolios, LinkedIn profiles or other digital resources. This enables you to showcase your work, projects or presentations instantly, leaving a lasting impression on your network.
    3. Real-Time Updates: Your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card can be updated easily, ensuring that your contacts always have access to your most current information. This is especially valuable if your job title, contact details or company information change frequently.
    4. Efficient Follow-Ups: Your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card can be programmed to prompt actions such as sending a follow-up email, connecting on social media or scheduling a meeting with a single tap. This helps you stay organised and ensures that you don't miss valuable networking opportunities.
    5. Enhanced Professionalism: Your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card demonstrates that you are tech-savvy and forward-thinking, which can enhance your professional image and credibility in networking events and business meetings.
    6. Environmentally Friendly: Tap Tap Boom! Smart Cards reduce the need for traditional paper business cards, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to networking.
    7. Memorability: The novelty and uniqueness of your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card can make you stand out in a crowd of traditional business card users, making it more likely that people will remember you and your interaction.
    8. Convenience for Recipients: Your networking contacts also benefit from your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card as they can quickly and easily store your information in their smartphones, reducing the risk of losing or misplacing paper cards.
    9. Networking Event Efficiency: At large networking events or conferences, your Tap Tap Boom! Smart Card can streamline the process of connecting with multiple people, saving time and effort.
    10. Global Reach: Tap Tap Boom! NFC technology is widely supported on smartphones globally, making it effective for networking on an international scale.


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